sábado, 9 de marzo de 2013

Look No. 965

Skin: cStar Limited - 80's Show Off Fullpack FREE!!!
Hair: *Dura* FASHION FOR LIFE HAIR 3 for Relay for Life Fashion Fair
Earrings: [ S H O C K ] Graceful Death Earrings Gatcha (Pink) for Luck of the Irish
Dress: { BoobieLicious } J`adore Collection Pink for The Bewbapalooza Event
Shoes: .: CHAINLESS :. 1NNOVAT1ON Fashion D. Boots 

For more information about freebies and wonderful offers don't forget to join the new Konejitas VIP Group!! secondlife:///app/group/c6926088-99ad-bbfb-15bd-74a5cf15d8b5/about

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