domingo, 20 de enero de 2013

Lovely shoes

Sweater: SOUL. Short Sweater - New
Calças/ Pants: SOUL. Jeans Jegging  - New
Sapatos/Shoes: [whatever] CG Spikes - SL Fashion Week -  Group gift
Joias/ Jewerly: MiWardrobe - The Famous Secret -  Limited Bazaar
Skin: .tsg. Baby in Xiaxue tone
Olhos/Eyes:  .tsg.Vibrant - Radioactive  -  Group gift (Adesão/ Fee: L$ 350)
Unhas/ Nails: Izzie's - Long French Nails
Cabelo/ Hair: [BURLEY]

For more information about freebies and wonderful offers don't forget to join the new Konejitas VIP Group!! 

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