sábado, 21 de abril de 2012

By me!

  • Cabello:Pelle -Melissa hair blonde with base
  • Aretes Free!! Freee!!ELUZION * GIFT Lizza Earrings
  • Skin $10L:cStar Limited - Miss Taurus 2012 - Beige (premio Gatcha)
  • Blusa Free!! Free!![NV] TINK-TANK -GROUP VIP- (ojo grupo de pago)
  • Bolsa  Free!! Freee!!Gifts from The Fashion Cache
  • Jeans New!!! New!!![NV] LOST BUTT  FAT PACK
  • Tennis  Freee!! Free!![IHS]Sneakers Brown and Green
For more information about freebies and wonderful offers don't forget to join the new Konejitas VIP Group!! secondlife:///app/group/c6926088-99ad-bbfb-15bd-74a5cf15d8b5/about

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