viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2013

Broken Angel

Hello girls! I think most of you know that before making my beautiful and beloved blog I posted on Magic SL (which was also beautiful and beloved by me), unfortunately it no longer exists.
But I was remembering that on Magic SL I posted many freebies and my intention was to help the girls who could not spend as much as SL.
Today because of a reduction of my free time in rl I do not post so many freebies as before.
Still today I selected a freebie that I think you guys will like. It is a dress very cute zombie doll.
The other items have been posted a few times, but it's always good to see beautiful things!
Good freebie for you guys!

Dress:  Rotten Toe:.:Antique Doll Dress - Group gift
Jewerly: +:+WTG+:+ **Luxury**
Skin: .::Mother Goose's MiChi III
Hair: Truth - Velvet
Shoes: ::BB:: Leeke Doll Shoes
Socks: H.O.M. - Polka Stockings
Poses: .::Kirin Poses::. Awe and Wonder for Poser Pavilion
Place: Two Fish
For more information about freebies and wonderful offers don't forget to join the new Konejitas VIP Group!! 

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