La caceria comienza hoy 13 de agosto a las 6pm SLT
The hunt starts today, August 13th at 6pm SLT
Un evento esperado! por muchos de nosotros!! el item tiene un valor de $1L que buscan??? Una Zanahoria!!! regalos para ella y para el o bien unisex!! feliz Caceria !!!!
1.- Delirium Style Lost at sea, and stranded.. Can you see where i landed?
2.- EBA My inner bunny could be very ALLURING to som
3.- * Dura* Near the entrance
4.- Essential Soul Is always good to get something new
5.- FILTHY Where the eyes are ... look for the carrot
6.- KamreK Creations Join our group and invite your friends!
7.- Unique Skins Just close to your eyes!
8.- MOJO The Body BOutique the prize is near the water
9.- [mJ'Ds] GG&MM Girl is like a sexy bunny and she likes carrots...
10.- Mashooka Designs Eyecatching Western fashion, find The first table , will surprise you..head south at the entrance.
11.- Vassnia From the main entrance... go to the KINKY&SEXY section of the store, which is on the right behind the white tiger!, enter the room and look behind one of the white cabinets there
12.- Roobix Nala likes carots.
13.- * Xplosion* Two Kittys are best friends (Complete Avatar Section)
14.- Warm Animations Come and slap this MM
15.- KMADD Enterprise
16.-U&R DOGS sandy area beside a river
17.- Butterfly Effectz the bunny loves to leave his carrots on the hay while he naps
18.- .:Ari:. The DJ will need it
19.- >>> moloko <<< ahhh i see skulls
20.-AlterEgo Mr. Bunny Smokes a carrot doobie!
21.- 22769 ~ casual couture like a flash in your face
23.- 2REAL store near Diagonal shoes vendor
24.- Kumaki Glasses Style bunnys hopping on drums
26.- SugarsmacK Try the hair
27.- Magnifique Poses Going up!
28.- CandyDoll my janett
29.- Custom iNKZ Where's the Sale??
30.- Spirit Store Only top there, in the vase!
32.- KristicA dress tattoo
33.- :::LiNe::: need to remove dust from the dusty shelves
34.-Bitch Tail
36.-GIZZA Upstairs
37.-Razorblade Jacket Not in my sweet eye
38.- :: OHARA :: t's leftside @ store find bunny FİND Carrot :)
39.- Alexohol Fashions
40.- RAMS TATTOO maori 1 shaved head
41.- .Pekka. Main Store Look how pretty I am
42.- [...[Dark&Burn]...] Tattoos and shapes Look for a little basket where you can sleep or relax on it
43.- ::C'est la vie!:: peacock
44.- [ILAYA] look in the rack
45.- Al Vulo! look at the big face
46.- Simply Britnee Group Subscriber
47.- *Les Petits Détails* Something is growing under my table!
48.- JeSyLiLO
49.- Props N poses Carrots need to be grow in dirt, right?
50.- ~Pepper~ Rings are a Must Have
51.- SE*Designz
52.-Thanatopsis Beneath the knowledge, lies the treasure.
53.- INAYA Skins Inaya rocks !
54.- [GLUE INK] With each step you get closer
55.-AZOURY A shopping day 's very tiring .
56.- MDL & eseuve
57.-VERO MODERO Let's go to vacation.I think Hawaii is a good choice.Wear your Hawaii shirt and come with me...
58.- *SoliDea FoliEs* A gift is a gift...find the gifts and you will find the YIBH gift too :) Enjoy!
59.- Nikita Fride ...How about some champagne?...
60.- [Nein!] Watch your head coming down them stairs...
61.- Chandelle Design "Do not hide behind the door."
62.- Quintessência Store I love shoes!
63.- Moonshadow Moonshadow dyna
65.- AMD Apple May Carrots are for bunnies, so look where the bunnies dwell
66.- NuDoLu Just sit down and relax!
67.- Holli Pocket Carrots grow on trees of course!
68.- Waffle! Muah! I love kisses!
70.- ArisAris *** Arisaris Sunglasses Retro or Grunge
71.- Armony *** Armony Ag65 Dreia White Lingerie
72.- Iruene Natural Hair Climb the "Olympus" Mount and you will find the gift on top
73.- :)(: Pixelfashion completely available
74.- Indyra Originals NOT AVAILABLE ATM
75.- .::BeautyCode::. carrot is one of my main food intake
76.- Style X Shelf
77.- Mu-Shi Doll In the corner behind the pier you'll find them
78.- ' Skintimate ' Art is a mainly strange thing...
79.-Secrets Hair Reflecting just like a flower...
80.- Opium
81 .- ELUZION why don´t you relax and take a sit for a moment?
Incredible gifts
Your Inner Bunny Hunt YIBH
1.- Delirium Style Lost at sea, and stranded.. Can you see where i landed?
2.- EBA My inner bunny could be very ALLURING to som
3.- * Dura* Near the entrance
6.- KamreK Creations Join our group and invite your friends!
9.- [mJ'Ds] GG&MM Girl is like a sexy bunny and she likes carrots...
10.- Mashooka Designs Eyecatching Western fashion, find The first table , will surprise you..head south at the entrance.
11.- Vassnia From the main entrance... go to the KINKY&SEXY section of the store, which is on the right behind the white tiger!, enter the room and look behind one of the white cabinets there

12.- Roobix Nala likes carots.
13.- * Xplosion* Two Kittys are best friends (Complete Avatar Section)

14.- Warm Animations Come and slap this MM
16.-U&R DOGS sandy area beside a river
18.- .:Ari:. The DJ will need it
20.-AlterEgo Mr. Bunny Smokes a carrot doobie!
21.- 22769 ~ casual couture like a flash in your face
26.- SugarsmacK Try the hair
29.- Custom iNKZ Where's the Sale??
30.- Spirit Store Only top there, in the vase!
33.- :::LiNe::: need to remove dust from the dusty shelves
32.- KristicA dress tattoo
37.-Razorblade Jacket Not in my sweet eye
40.- RAMS TATTOO maori 1 shaved head
42.- [...[Dark&Burn]...] Tattoos and shapes Look for a little basket where you can sleep or relax on it
43.- ::C'est la vie!:: peacock
44.- [ILAYA] look in the rack
45.- Al Vulo! look at the big face
46.- Simply Britnee Group Subscriber
47.- *Les Petits Détails* Something is growing under my table!
49.- Props N poses Carrots need to be grow in dirt, right?
50.- ~Pepper~ Rings are a Must Have
53.- INAYA Skins Inaya rocks !
54.- [GLUE INK] With each step you get closer
55.-AZOURY A shopping day 's very tiring .
56.- MDL & eseuve (3 gifts)
58.- *SoliDea FoliEs* A gift is a gift...find the gifts and you will find the YIBH gift too :) Enjoy!
59.- Nikita Fride ...How about some champagne?...
60.- [Nein!] Watch your head coming down them stairs...
61.- Chandelle Design "Do not hide behind the door."
62.- Quintessência Store I love shoes!
63.- Moonshadow Moonshadow dyna
65.- AMD Apple May Carrots are for bunnies, so look where the bunnies dwell
66.- NuDoLu Just sit down and relax!
68.- Waffle! Muah! I love kisses!
70.- ArisAris *** Arisaris Sunglasses Retro or Grunge
71.- Armony *** Armony Ag65 Dreia White Lingerie
72.- Iruene Natural Hair Climb the "Olympus" Mount and you will find the gift on top
73.- :)(: Pixelfashion
75.- .::BeautyCode::. carrot is one of my main food intake
76.- Style X Shelf
77.- Mu-Shi Doll In the corner behind the pier you'll find them
78.- ' Skintimate ' Art is a mainly strange thing...
79.-Secrets Hair Reflecting just like a flower...
81 .- ELUZION why don´t you relax and take a sit for a moment?
2 comentarios:
Felicitaciones chicos y chicas!!!Muchisima Suerte!!!!
Gracias Adri!
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