miércoles, 30 de abril de 2014

Can you play?

  • Outfit: *ionic*  Amor de primavera - The Chapter Four 1 year soon <3
  • Hair: MINA - Mandy - The Chapter Four 1 year soon <3
  • Skin: .::Mother Goose's::.MiMi - L$ 1
  • Flowers: [LNS Designs] Care's Flowers - Gallery Gift
  • Sandals: MG - Ibiza Summer Beaded - Monochromatic Fair - New
  • Shirt:[Sympatika] Seba Sweater Black Stripes - Group gift
  • Pants:  ::: EhR :::_ Mesh_ Men's Pants Black Classic - L$10
  • Skin: [sYs] Nokomis Skin - Pale
  • Hair: *Dura-Boy*48 - New
  • Shoes: ::GB::Summer boots - Group gift
For more information about freebies and wonderful offers don't forget to join the new Konejitas VIP Group!! secondlife:///app/group/c6926088-99ad-bbfb-15bd-74a5cf15d8b5/about

martes, 29 de abril de 2014

Kawaii Girl!!!

Head: .tsg. Dakota Mesh Head Hybrid Avatar - B Tone 
Hair: *Milk* Hair~ Sushi *Blondes* NEW!!!
Collar: .Pekka. Ribbon Heart Collar
Dress: antielle. Pinacotheca Dress - Peonies Group Gift! FREE!!!
Shoes: * VinCue ~ Lolee+Plats - Firebrick

For more information about freebies and wonderful offers don't forget to join the new Konejitas VIP Group!! secondlife:///app/group/c6926088-99ad-bbfb-15bd-74a5cf15d8b5/about

Candy Girl...

Skin: Essences - Paris 
Hair: [geek.] Kablaam - Metroid= for Fantasy Gacha Carnival (May 6th -LM soon)
Accesories: .Pekka. Space Alien - Blue
Bag: NS::  Mesh SweetBag for Cotton Candy Hunt for Cotton Candy Hunt (May 4th to 31th)
Tattoo: *PerveTTe* [Tattoo] CupCake Candy for Cotton Candy Hunt (May 4th to 31th)
Outfit: Lolita - Pink Fusion for Pink Fusion Hunt ( May 1)
Shoes: _CandyDoll_ Sweet Flats 

For more information about freebies and wonderful offers don't forget to join the new Konejitas VIP Group!! secondlife:///app/group/c6926088-99ad-bbfb-15bd-74a5cf15d8b5/about

jueves, 24 de abril de 2014


Skin "Amaranth" Essences for The Seasons Story - NEW
Hair "Recycle" Ploom - NEW
Mesh Hands Slink
Outfit "The Block" Sakide for The 100 Block Fair - NEW
Boots "Crushers" [L.Warwick]
Face Piercings "Ova" Cute Poison for The 100 Block Fair - NEW
Mesh Ears Mandala
Tattoo Vestigium

Selena Mortmagus