sábado, 9 de junio de 2012

Look No. 495

Skin: [ Al Vulo! ] - [ Baba2 ] - [ natural reddish beauty ] gift fREE!!! 
Hair: [LeLutka]-SCARAB hair/Light Blonde 
Glasses: ShadZ - Good Girls - GSP - Classic & Flat Top 
Nails: :FY: Blinged Nails NEW!!! 
Top: D! Punk's not dead TOP MESH grey NEW!!! 
Nets: *HolliPocket* Fishup Nets for DEPRAVED NATION 
Skirt: :FY: Mesh Stone Washed Mini 
Boots: DR kneeboots (box) FATPACK NEW!!! 

For more information about freebies and wonderful offers don't forget to join the new Konejitas VIP Group!! secondlife:///app/group/c6926088-99ad-bbfb-15bd-74a5cf15d8b5/about

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